Office of Risk Management & Compliance
Safety & Health KPIs for Deans, Directors and Heads of Departments
Safety & Health KPIs has been introduced for Deans, Directors and Heads of Department (HODs) effective August 2014. Deans, Directors and HODs must demonstrate and will be accountable for ensuring safety in their departments/research institutes/research centres. They should ensure that sufficient resources are allocated to safety, and proactively monitor the safety performance of their departments/RICs. The overall aim is for safety and health to be engendered as part of the NUS culture. As leaders play an important role in shaping culture, it is important for Deans, Directors and HODs to set the tone and direction, to positively influence Principal Investigators, staff and students. Furthermore, if you can't measure it, you can't manage it. Hence, the focus of the KPIs is on proactive actions taken by leaders to promote safety and health culture. Following Dean’s Meeting on 9 March 2016, a periodic reporting of Safety & Health KPIs to Provost and Deputy President (Research & Technology) by Deans, Directors and HODs of selected departments/research institutes/research centres will now be required effective April 2016. The affected departments/research institutes/research centres as determined by Provost and Deputy President (Research & Technology) are listed here . The framework of reporting of Safety & Health KPIs is as follows: 1. Deans, Directors and HODs are required to establish their Safety & Health KPIs using a standard Safety & Health KPIs Report for Deans, Directors and HODs . The template is available here and it also contains an example of completed KPIs for reference. Deans, Directors and HODs are recommended to consult their respective Safety & Health Committees/Safety & Health Co-ordinators/Safety & Health Officers in developing their KPIs. 2. Deans, Directors and HODs are required to report the progress of their Safety & Health KPIs once every six months to ORMC using this report in SharePoint. The Safety & Health KPIs Report for Deans, Directors and HODs should be updated by the following dates:
3. Provost and Deputy President (Research & Technology) will receive a periodic update on the Safety & Health KPIs Report for Deans, Directors and HODs . ![]() 4. ORMC will share the outcome of the KPIs for individual faculties for the Academic Year (AY) with Deans (and Directors for the RICs) by Sept of each year. 5. Deans, Directors and HoDs with areas of concern will review and indicate how these concerns will be addressed in Annual Performance Review submission to Provost and DPRT in October. 6. Provost and DPRT will review and appraise the Dean, Director and HoDs' Safety and Health KPIs during the Annual Performance Review. ![]() 7. More details on the S&H KPI criteria, examples, process flow and report of S&H KPIs to NUS Senior Management can be found here. 8. From AY2020/2021 onwards, Deans, Directors and HoDs are required to report their S&H KPIs using the S&H KPI Module in EHS360 IT System . More information can be found here. Please contact the following ORMC staff for any clarifications or enquiries:a) Mr Hairulnizam Bin Ishak at / 65167725 b) Mr Wong Weiyang at / 66012590 FAQs
: Do all Deans, Directors and HODs need to establish and
report their Safety & Health KPIs?
: Who can Deans, Directors and HODs approach to help
develop their Safety and Health KPIs?
: What constitues Visible Safety Leadership?
: What are examples of Visible Safety Leadership?
: What is the difference between areas for improvement vs
area of concern?
: What are the proposed measures by Deans/Directors/HoDs
to address areas of improvement/concern?