Station Information


The NUS weather station serves primarily academic needs and is maintained by the Department of Geography. The station is located on the rooftop of building E2 (Faculty of Engineering) of the National University of Singapore, Kent Ridge campus, near the South coast about 9 km West of the city center (please see: city map and campus map). At a height of about 90 m above sea level it is the highest point in the region and therefore enjoys excellent exposure. Because it is located on a small ridge, however, the positioning of the instruments does not conform to WMO guidelines for weather stations in open terrain or recommendations for urban areas. It is the first weather station in Singapore to provide real-time meteorological data for free to students and the general public.

The geographical coordinates are approximately: 1 deg18 min N (latitude) and 103 deg 46 min E (longitude).


Local time (24 hrs) is watch time. Local apparent time (LAT) is watch time minus ~1 hr. Weather observations are usually reported in UTC (Universal Time Coordinates). This allows weather from all over the world to have the same time stamp. Local Singapore time is 8 hours ahead of UTC (UTC + 8 hours).

Instrument Specifications:

Variable Instrument Manufacturer (Model) Units   Accuracy

Barometric pressure sensor

Vaisala (PTB101B - CS105)


+/- 0.2 kPa at 20 degC

Air temperature

T sensor

Vaisala (CS500)

deg C

+/- 0.5 deg C

Relative humidity

RH sensor

Vaisala (CS500)

% RH

+/- 2.5 % RH

Wind speed

Cup anemometer

RM Young (wind sentry set 03001)

m/s +/- 0.5 m/s Threshold: 0.5 m/s
Wind direction Wind vane RM Young (wind sentry set 03001) 0-360 deg (c.w.) +/- 5%
Incoming solar radiation Pyranometer LI-COR (LI-200X) W/m 2 +/- 3% (typical)
Total rainfall Raingauge Hydrological Services (CS700) mm/time (5 min or 1 hr) +/- 2% Resolution: 0.2 mm
Power Solar panel SOLAREX (MSX15R) W
Data logger CSI (CR10X)