Office of Risk Management and Compliance

Structured Safety Training System


The University administration has made it mandatory for all staff and students, in particular, laboratory, technical, veterinary, research staff and students exposed to chemical, radiation and biological hazards to undergo relevant safety training ( glossary of safety training ). In addition, the University administration has also made it mandatory for the Principal Investigators/supervisors who are supervising such individuals to undergo safety training.

Key Responsibilities

Departmental Heads and Faculty Deaneries should provide time off from work for staff or student to attend safety training under the Structured Safety Training System.

Immediate Supervisors / Principal Investigators have the responsibility to
a) identify the safety training required for staff, students, visitors, collaborators and contractors (henceforth referred to as "individuals") working in laboratories / workshops / facilities directly under their management, based upon their scope of work, hazards exposed to and working conditions
b) undergo relevant core safety training as identified by NUS Senior Management
c) undergo the same hazard specific safety training of the staff and students as mentioned in (a)

Staff, Students ('Individuals') will be required to assist the supervisor in identifying the required safety training, attend the relevant training, including the refresher training and pass the competency test that is set at the end of every training course. Staff shall attend refreshers at a stipulated period depending on the type of courses they are required to attend.

Visitors and Guests ('Individuals') will be required to assist their host in identifying the required safety training, attend the relevant training and pass the competency test that is set at the end of every training course.

Individuals refer to:

  1. Lab, technical, veterinary and research staff who are performing activities* involving use of hazardous chemicals, biological materials, ionizing radiation and Class 3B or Class 4 lasers. This includes Research Fellows (RF) and Research Assistants (RA)
  2. Students (FYP, UROP Postgraduate students) doing research projects* involving use of hazardous chemicals, biological materials, ionizing radiation and Class 3B or Class 4 lasers.

* Includes work conducted in non- NUS organizations (A-STAR, Hospitals, Industrial Attachments, etc.

ORMC will serve as the training provider under the system. ORMC will also perform regular review of the training needs of individuals working in NUS and introduce or improve on the courses to cater to specific needs of such individuals.

OHR will update the training records of staff through ORMC.

Identifying Training Requirements

The training requirements are categorised in a progressive training structure to guide you along your learning journey. All staff and students are expected to progress from “Stage A” to “Stage C” under this structure. In addition to assessing the core hazard-specific courses (chemical, radiation etc.), the Supervisor/PI should also determine the supplementary training courses ('Add-ons') to be taken by individuals.

pyramid C-appointment B-hazard A-induction

The safety and health requirements are divided into 3 tiers:

Stage A: Induction Training

As a new staff or student, the first stage is to undergo 'induction' training. These are foundation training that provides an overview of the requirements for working safely in NUS.

Stage B: Hazard-specific Training

The second stage of training is dependent on the nature of the research work or teaching experiments that you are doing. This stage is referred to 'Hazard Specific' training and is determined from the outcome of your risk assessments. Hazard Specific Training consists of core discipline specific courses and additional supplementary ('Add-on') courses. For example, individuals performing activities involving the use of hydrofluoric acid will need to attend the core discipline specific course of OSHCHM01 Chemical Safety and the add-on course of OSHCHM02 Safe Use & Handling of Hydrofluoric Acid. More information about determining the 'Hazard Specific' training is given in the section below.

Stage C: Appointment-based Training

Lastly, depending on the roles and responsibilities you have been assigned, for example Fire Warden/Coordinator, First aider, etc you would need to undergo specific training relevant to that role.

Stage A: Induction Training
Title of Training Course
(Course Code)
Who shall attend

NUS Requirements on Safety, Health and Emergency Management (OSHGEN03) w.e.f. 03/08/2015

CHRS LMS link for staff

All staff: Compulsory e-Orientation course to be completed within one month upon joining the University.

Staff to access OSHGEN03 in CHRS LMS.

This course is not accessible to students.

Online Fire Safety Training Course (OSHFS01)
w.e.f. 03/08/2015

CHRS LMS link for staff

All staff: Compulsory training course (OSHFS01) to be completed within one month upon joining the University.

Any personnel who had previously attended the Fire Safety Education Course or the Fire Safety Refresher Course is exempted from taking this online training.

However the online training will not exclude those who are required to take the Fire Safety Education Course or Fire Safety Refresher Course due to their appointment, job appointment, course work requirement or as predetermined by the respective Principal Investigators (PIs).

This is a 16 minute video which include a quiz at the end. Please complete the assessment after viewing the video.

Staff to access OSHFS01 in CHRS LMS.

OSHFS01 is only mandatory for NUS staff. Visitors or Students whom have been identified by their PIs to attend relevant fire safety training due to the fire risks in their research work may write in to attend the Fire Safety Education Course.

Lab (Staff)

Laboratory Safety Induction Training
(OSHGEN01) w.e.f. 03/08/2015

Compulsory for:

  • ALL new NUS staff working in laboratories and workshops

This training will give a general overview of safety and health in the laboratories.

This training must be completed PRIOR to performing activities in the laboratory.

Lab (Students)

Introduction to Laboratory Safety and Health in NUS - Policy, Principles and
(OSHGEN02) w.e.f. 03/08/2015

Compulsory for newly matriculated undergraduates who will be having classes in laboratories and/or workshops. Undergraduates enrolling in the following departments or other departments with laboratories and/or workshop-related courses, will be required to view the safety induction video prior to entry into the laboratories or workshops:

  • Faculty of Science – Department of Chemistry, Physics, Biological Sciences and Pharmacy
  • YLL School of Medicine
  • Faculty of Dentistry
  • School of Design and Environment
  • Department of Geography (Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
  • Faculty of Engineering - Department of Biomedical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering

Self-enrol to the course in CANVAS here

    Recommended for New Students

    Campus Safety & Health : Our Responsibility (OSHGEN10) w.e.f. 01/08/2021

    Recommended for newly matriculated undergraduates.

    Workplace Safety and Health Council’s Working Group on Safety & Health in Higher Education and Research Sector’ has successfully developed a safety and health e-learning package. This training will introduce the fundamentals of safety and health to all freshmen from the 11 participating Institutes of Higher Learning.

    Students who have successfully completed the programme would be able to:

    • Understand causes of accident;
    • Identify types of hazards on campus;
    • Adopt Look-Think-Do to prevent accidents; and
    • Respond to emergencies.

      Stage B: Hazard Specific
      Hazard Core Add-on
      Compulsory Who shall attend
      Chemical Safety (OSHCHM01)

      *This training is recognised and approved by the Workplace Safety and Health Council’s Working Group on Safety & Health in Higher Education and Research Sector.

      Personnel from approved member organisations are exempted from undergoing this training. Click here to find more details.

      Individuals performing activities involving the use of hazardous chemicals.

      Refresher training requirement: Individuals are required to retake this course after three years.

      Compulsory Who shall attend
      Safe Use & Handling of Hydrofluoric Acid (OSHCHM02)
      w.e.f. 01/06/2016
      Individuals working with hydrofluoric acid.
      Safe Use & Handling of Pyrophoric Chemicals (OSHCHM03)
      w.e.f. 01/06/2016
      Individuals working with pyrophoric chemicals.
      Recommended Who should attend
      Semi-Quantitative Risk Assessment (OSHCHM04)
      w.e.f. 01/06/2016
      Individuals appointed to conduct Semi-Quantitative Risk Assessment (SQRA).
      Chemical Spill Response (OSHCHM05)
      w.e.f. 01/06/2016
      Individuals who have been appointed to perform chemical spill response.

      *Note: OSHBIO01 has been replaced with OSHBIO07 and OSHBIO08
      Compulsory Who shall attend
      Biosafety for BSL-1 Laboratories (OSHBIO07)
      w.e.f. 11/09/2017

      Individuals conducting BSL-1 work.

      Refresher training requirement: Individuals are required to retake this course after three years.

      Biosafety for BSL-2 Laboratories (OSHBIO08)
      w.e.f. 18/09/2017

      *This training is recognised and approved by the Workplace Safety and Health Council’s Working Group on Safety & Health in Higher Education and Research Sector.

      Personnel from approved member organisations are exempted from undergoing this training. Click here to find more details.

      Individuals conducting BSL-2 work.

      Refresher training requirement: Individuals are required to retake this course after three years.

      Compulsory Who shall attend
      Safe Handling of Human Tissue and Fluids (OSHBIO03)
      w.e.f. 01/06/2016
      Individuals working with materials of human origin eg. tissue, all cell lines (including commercial cell lines), body fluids etc.
      Biosafety Legislations & Guidelines (OSHBIO04) w.e.f. 28/11/2024
      New Principal Investigators, all individuals appointed to identify and monitor legislation for the lab / departments, and all individuals involved in importing, acquiring, transferring, or handling biological materials.
      Safe Needle Usage in Research Laboratories (OSHBIO06)
      w.e.f. 31/12/2016

      *Personnel who have completed SingHealth Needle Safety in Research Laboratories are exempted from undergoing this training. Click here to find more details.
      Individuals working with needles when conducting life science research.
      Safe Handling of Non-human Primate (Macaque) Derived Materials (OSHBIO09)
      w.e.f. 01/03/2017
      Individuals handling Macaque-derived materials.
      Viral Vector Safety and Regulations Training  (OSHBIO10)
      w.e.f. 01/06/2021
      Individuals  working with viral vectors.
      Recommended Who should attend
      Biological Spills and Emergency Response (OSHBIO05)
      w.e.f. 01/06/2016
      Individuals appointed to contain biological spills.
      Compulsory Who shall attend
      Laser Safety Training (OSHRAD02)

      Individuals performing activities involving use of Class 3b or Class 4 lasers.

      Refresher training requirement: Individuals are required to retake this course after three years.

      Safe Handling of Radioactive Materials (OSHRAD03)
      w.e.f. 11/09/2017

      Individuals performing activities involving use of radioactive materials or equipment containing radioactive materials (eg. Gauges, Gamma Irradiators).

      Refresher training requirement: Individuals are required to retake this course after three years.

      Safe Handling of X-ray Machines (OSHRAD04)
      w.e.f. 11/09/2017

      Individuals using X-ray machines or machines that can produce X-rays.

      Refresher training requirement: Individuals are required to retake this course after three years.

      Compulsory Who shall attend
      Basic MRI Safety Training (OSHRAD05)
      w.e.f. 01/06/2016
      Individuals who will be accessing a MRI controlled area but NOT operating MRI machines/scanners.
      MRI Safety Training for Operators (OSHRAD06) w.e.f. 01/06/2016
      Individuals who will be accessing MRI controlled areas AND operating MRI machines/scanners.
      General Safety
      Compulsory Who shall attend

      Respiratory Protection Programme Training for first-time users
      (OSHGEN04) w.e.f. 01/09/2016

      The NUS Respiratory Protection Programme training aims to educate all NUS staff and students who are required to wear respirators in the course of their teaching and research work on the correct use of respirators.

      Respiratory Protection Programme Training for returning users (refresher)
      (OSHGEN05) w.e.f. 01/09/2016

      This Respiratory Protection Programme training is for returning users - all NUS staff and students to refresh their knowledge on the usage of respirators in the course of their teaching and research work one year after attending the NUS Respiratory Protection Programme (RPP) - First Time User.
      Recommended Who should attend

      Risk Management for Laboratories
      (OSHGEN06) w.e.f. 10/01/2017

      Recommended for staff and students who are involved in conducting risk assessments for their laboratory activities. Safety leads are highly encouraged to attend this training.

      Risk Management for General Workplaces
      (OSHGEN07) w.e.f. 28/04/2017

      Recommended for staff and students who are involved in conducting risk assessments for their general workplaces. Safety Leads are highly encouraged to attend this training.

      Field Research Safety
      (OSHGEN08) w.e.f. 28/04/2017

      Recommended for staff and students who are involved in conducting field research activities. Field Research Leads are highly encouraged to attend this training.

      Conducting Incident Investigation and Root Cause Analysis
      (OSHGEN09) w.e.f. 8/11/2018

      Recommended for staff and students who are required to investigate incidents as a lead investigator, or as part of an investigation team.
      Fire Safety
      Recommended Who should attend

      Customized Fire Safety Training

      Faculties, offices, student bodies and groups are welcome to request for a specially catered session for their respective groups (minimum group size of 20 staff &/or students).

      Interested parties are to directly liaise with Campus Emergency & Security, University Campus Infrastructure via

      Recommended Who should attend

      NUS Office Ergonomics Training (OSHERGO01)

      This course is about awareness of ergonomic hazards in the office, common musculoskeletal disorders related to work, understand good practices of ergonomics, self-evaluate your workstation and apply control measures to reduce ergonomic hazards.

      NUS Laboratory Ergonomics Training (OSHERGO02)

      This course is about awareness of ergonomic hazards in the laboratory, common musculoskeletal disorders related to work, understand good practices of ergonomics, Self-evaluate your workstation and apply control measures to reduce ergonomic hazards.
      Stage C: Appointment Based
      Title of Training Course
      (Course Code)
      Who should attend

      Fire Safety Education Course

      Compulsory for:

      1) Staff who have been appointed to perform the role of Building Fire Coordinator, Assistant Fire Coordinator, Building Fire Warden or Assistant Fire Warden.

      2) All laboratory technical staff that are handling PFM.

      3) Any other laboratory personnel identified by their Principal Investigators (PIs) whom are required to attend this course.

      * Also recommended for NUS staff or students who are interested in acquiring additional fire safety knowledge and practical hands on in extinguishing incipient fires.

      This general education course provides general awareness on fire safety and hands on practical training in incipient level fire-fighting. Participants will better understand how a fire develops, dangers associated with fire and the proper response when faced with a fire situation. Fire practical training will cover the use of fire extinguishers, fire blankets and hose reel which are first aid fire-fighting equipment normally found in all NUS buildings.

      This course belongs to Campus Emergency & Security, University Campus Infrastructure. Please contact if you have any query.

      Fire Warden Training Course

      Compulsory for Staff who have been appointed to perform the role of building Fire Warden or Assistant Fire Warden.

      This is a half day course that trains the Building Fire Wardens on their roles and responsibilities. This includes conducting their own floor fire safety inspection, safe procedures when mitigating a fire alarm incident, sharing of lessons learnt from recent fire incidents and other lifesaving skills during a fire break out.

      Participants must successfully complete the 'Fire Safety Education' course or its equivalent before they can attend this course. Interested parties can sign up for both Fire Safety Education and Fire Warden Course on the same day where free spaces are available.

      This course belongs to Campus Emergency & Security, University Campus Infrastructure. Please contact if you have any query.

      Fire Safety Coordinator Course

      Compulsory for staff who have been appointed to perform the role of building Fire Safety Coordinator or Assistant Fire Safety Coordinator.

      This is a full day course that will introduce the Fire Safety Coordinator to the fire safety management system of NUS. The course will help guide the Fire Safety Coordinator to be able to prepare the Fire Emergency Plan (FEP), coordinate and organize their own annual fire drill, carry out independent fire safety inspection of their own building and understand more of the fire safety requirements that each building must meet. It also prepares the building representatives for their role in campus emergency/disaster preparedness.

      Participants must successfully complete the 'Fire Safety Education' course or its equivalent before they can attend this course.

      This course belongs to Campus Emergency & Security, University Campus Infrastructure. Please contact if you have any query.

      Fire Safety Refresher Course

      Compulsory for all laboratory staff to attend every three years after attending the Fire Safety Education Course. As per required under local regulations such as the Fire Safety (Petroleum & Flammable Materials) Regulation 2005.

      This is a two hour course which acts as a refresher programme for personnel who had attended the fire safety education course before. Course starts off with a fire safety quiz followed by a detailed explanation to the fire safety related questions that were posed. Includes sharing or recent incidents, lessons learnt and discussion on mitigation of different fire scenarios. Practical session will cover the use of extinguisher, fire blanket and hose reel.

      Participants must successfully complete the 'Fire Safety Education' course or its equivalent before they can attend this course.

      Recommended for any other staff or student who are interested in a refresher after attending the Fire Safety Education Course.

      This course belongs to Campus Emergency & Security, University Campus Infrastructure. Please contact if you have any query.


      Crisis Management: Business As Usual

      The 2-days Crisis Management Course aims to train the Unit Incident Commanders (UICs), Deputy Incident Commanders, Managers & senior team members of your Unit Incident & Crisis Committee (UICC), your staff; and members of NUS CEM Team on the Crisis Management & Crisis Communications.

      Invitation for nomination is sent to the Unit Incident Commanders about one month before each course. The nomination of participants for this course is through the Unit Incident Commander and registration with Campus Emergency & Security, University Campus Infrastructure via

      Safety and Health Management System (SHMS) (OSHSMS01)

      Recommended for Principal Investigators (PIs) and Laboratory Supervisors, Research Fellows/Engineers on how to conduct risk assessments and develop safety management systems for laboratories.

      Chemical Spill Response (Hands-on)

      Recommended for Safety and Health Coordinators (SHC) where their department has laboratories using chemicals. This is a “Train the trainer” type of course to equip the SHC to teach staff and students in the department how to conduct chemical spill response. It is a pre-requisite for SHCs to complete the on-line chemical spill course (OSHCHM05) before they attend the hands-on training.

      Biological Spills and Emergency Response (Hands-on)

      Recommended for Safety and Health Coordinators (SHC) where their department has laboratories using biological material. This is a “Train the trainer” type of course to equip the SHC to teach staff and students in the department how to conduct biological spill response. It is a pre-requisite for SHCs to complete the on-line biological spill course (OSHBIO05) before they attend the hands-on training.

      : Online Training via CHRS/Canvas Training
      : Face-to-face / Classroom Training

      How to take training:
      : E-learning courses on CANVAS can be taken at https://

      For instructions on how to complete the safety training through CANVAS click here

      Need more help? Head over to our FAQ section for more information.

      * ORMC through its safety assessment schemes may prescribe PIs to attend safety training courses listed above.

      Other resources:

      Safety and health videos for laboratories, workshops and general workplaces are available at:

      1) Safetyhub

      2) Maxtrax Premier Safety Training Videos

      Glossary of Safety training
