Office of Safety, Health & Environment

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for OSHE Structured Safety Training System (SSTS)

Q1: What are the key enhancements made to SSTS as of 27 November 2015?

Answer: To offer more clarity in training requirements, we have introduced the following changes to our Structured Safety Training System:

  • The training requirements have now been categorised in a new progressive training structure to guide you along your learning journey. All staff and students are expected to progress from “Stage A” to 'Stage C' in this new structure.
  • In addition to completing the core hazard-specific modules (chemical, radiation etc.), the Supervisor/PI should also determine which supplementary training modules ('Add-ons') should be taken by individuals. Refer to write up on 'Stage B' for more information.

Q2: When am I supposed to complete these new ‘add-on’ training?

Answer: You should complete these training as soon as possible and no later than six months. Completion of training would be verified during audits. Please remember to update your laboratory safety and health dossier accordingly.

Q3: Who determines the ‘Add-on’ modules that individuals should attend?

Answer: Supervisor/PI should determine what supplementary training modules ('Add-ons') should be taken by individuals. Refer to write up on 'Stage B' in the SSTS webpage for more details.

Q4: Is there any refresher requirement for 'Add-on' modules?

Answer: No, there is no requirement to re-take the ‘Add-on’ modules. However, as our training material is regularly refreshed, we encourage you to view the updated versions of these modules. Do note you are required to re-take the core modules three (3) years later.

Q5: Where can I find OSHE safety training courses in LumiNUS?

Answer: Please refer to the instructions under section on "How to take training" in the SSTS.

Q6: I am a visitor in NUS and I don’t have a NUS email address to access LumiNUS. Whom can I approach for assistance?

Answer: Please write to for a LumiNUS guest account. In the email, please provide:
a) Your name and email address and
b) Your NUS supervisor name and email address.

Q7: Will I receive e-notification after completing my training in LumiNUS?

Answer: Yes, the same system-generated e-certificate will be sent to you within 24 hours after you have successfully completed the module in LumiNUS.

Q8: Will my training record be updated in EHS360 system after completing my training in LumiNUS?

Answer: Yes, your training record will be updated in EHS360 system within 24 hours after you have successfully completed the  training module in LumiNUS.

Q9: Are my IVLE training records in LumiNUS?

Answer: All training records in IVLE are not transferred  to LumiNUS as the 2 systems are completely different.

Q10: How can I locate my past IVLE training records?

Answer: Your IVLE training records can be found in EHS360 Training Passport, and also in the OHR SAP Training History portal for NUS staff.

Q11: If I completed a training on 1 April 2015 and it was supposed to expire on 1 April 2017, it will now expire on 1 April 2018?

Answer: Yes, it will be extended by one calendar year.

Q12: I have already completed OSHBIO01, when this is eventually replaced by OSHBIO08 in Q3 2017, must I complete OSHBIO08? Or should I wait until my OSHBIO01 certificate expires?

Answer: You are only required to attend OSHBIO08 when your OSHBIO01 certificate expires, provided your research involves BSL 2 work.

Q13: When OSHRAD03 and OSHRAD04 eventually rolled out in 3rd Quarter of 2017 but I have already completed OSHRAD01, must I complete both OSHRAD03 and OSHRAD04?

Answer: When OSHRAD01 expires, please complete:
a) OSHRAD03 if you are performing activities involving the use of radioactive materials or equipment containing radioactive materials (eg. gauges, gamma irradiators) and/or
b) OSHRAD04 if you are using X-ray machines or machines that can produce X-rays