Portfolio and Asset Management (Classroom & Asynchronous)


NUS Business School

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This course develops an understanding of the tools for assessing real estate investment opportunities at the macro or portfolio level, as well as the micro or asset level. It covers modern portfolio theory before examining the role of property in an institutional investment portfolio with particular attention given to property portfolio performance analysis, diversification benefits and investment strategy. Real estate asset management involves optimising the cash flows generated from real estate assets by a direct real estate owner, investor or an organisation which incidentally heads, owns or leases real estate to support its corporate mission. This course examines how direct real estate should to be managed proactively to enhance property value or the worth of the business operations the property facilitates.

Who Should Attend

Fund managers, portfolio managers, asset managers, developers, financial service advisors, market analysts

Entry Requirements

Bachelor's degree

Class Schedule

Monday (6.30-9.30pm)

Tutorial Schedule

Same day as lecture

Lesson Delivery

a) Facilitated Learning: 39 hours b) Assessment: 39 hours c) Others: 52 hours

Full Fees (before GST)


Nett Fees payable after SSG Funding


** Please note that the mode of delivery is subject to change in light of the COVID-19 situation. Courses marked ‘online’ may have compulsory face-to-face sessions such as laboratory or hands-on components and details should be sought from the schools or departments before learners register for them.

Last updated: 04 October 2024

Upcoming Course Dates

Delivery Mode**

Course Code

Funding Type
SSG Funding
Eligible for SkillsFuture Credit (SFC)
Alumni eVoucher (L3)

Modular Course

Stacks/ Bundles to
Graduate Certificate in Real Estate Fund Management


Area of Interest
Leadership & Management