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For DRM Error

To rename the DRM folder complete the following steps.

  1. Open 'Windows Explorer'. This is opened by right clicking the mouse on the 'Start' button and selecting 'explore' from the list.

  2. Go to C:\documents and settings\allusers\DRM (The DRM folder may be a hidden folder and may not display).

    a) To display this folder, in 'Windows Explorer' click on 'tools' then 'folder options' and then the 'view options' tab.

    b) Under the folder titled 'Hidden files and folders' ensure the box 'Show hidden files and folders' is checked

    c) The remaining boxes are to be unchecked including the 'Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)'.

    d) Click 'apply' and then 'OK'.

  3. The DRM folder can now be seen in the path: C:\documents and settings\all users\DRM.

  4. To rename this folder, click on DRM once, right click the mouse and select the 'rename' option. Type in the new name e.g. DRM2