Office of Safety, Health & Environment

NUS Ergonomics Programme

The NUS Ergonomics Programme is established to support a safe and healthy work environment by minimising the risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) that is associated with forceful exertions, repetitive motion, and prolonged, awkward or static postures.

The Office of Safety, Health and Environment (OSHE) is the general administrator of this programme by providing standards, self-assessment checklists and training.

Refer to the following links for reference materials, tools and resources in the identification and control of ergonomics risks.

Manuals, Standards and Guidelines
NUS Office Ergonomics Manual
NUS Laboratory Ergonomics Manual
WSH Council Guidelines on Work in sitting/standing positions*
Checklists and Forms
NUS Office Ergonomics self-assessment checklist
NUS Laboratory Ergonomics self-assessment checklist
WSH Council 'ergo@WSH'* (mobile application tool to identify ergonomic hazards)
- for Android device users
- for iOS device users
Online Training and Videos
NUS Office Ergonomics Online Training
NUS Laboratory Ergonomics Online Training
SafetyCare video on Ergonomics*
SafetyCare video on Laboratory Ergonomics*
WSH Council video on reducing ergonomics risks at the workplace*
Mayo Clinic Laboratory Ergonomics Video (Opening lid of centrifuge rotor)*
Mayo Clinic Laboratory Ergonomics Video (Automated removal of screw-on lids from tubes or vials)*
Factsheets and Articles
NUS Safety and Health News Article: Good Ergonomics practices for a healthier you
NUS Safety and Health Alert: Tips for preventing the pain of Pipetting
Harvard University Factsheet on Laboratory Ergonomics Risks Factors*
Harvard University Brochure on Laboratory Ergonomics Risks Factors*
WSH Council Quick Guide on Office Ergonomics*

*These are non-NUS references and are provided for as a general guidance and showcasing best practices in ergonomics for workplaces.

Refer to the following links for vendors whom can provide ergonomics solutions and equipment.

** DISCLAIMER: Reference in this site to any non-NUS commercial product, process, material or service is for the information and convenience of NUS staff and students, and does not constitute endorsement, recommendation, or favouring by the Office of Safety, Health and Environment.

Ergonomics-related Equipment
NUS Catalogue (Monitor arms and Sit-stand work option)
Vendors providing ergonomics solutions
Ergoworks (Tel: 6659 8488, Email:
FAM Solutions (Tel: 6754 8447, Email:
Exsto Asia (Tel: 6546 5882, Email:

Please contact the following personnel for ergonomics-related enquiries:

Enquiries and conducting ergonomics assessments Mr Goh Keng Beng
Telephone: 6601 1796
Dr Rajkumar Ramamoorthy
Telephone: 6601 1169
Appointment for ergonomics-related medical evaluation NUS University Health Centre
Telephone: 6601 5035

Referral from UHC, diagnosis and fitness to return to work evaluation for work-related musculoskeletal disorders Appointments:
General Enquiries:
Telephone: 6601 1781