Accident and Incident
Management System (AIMS)
The Accident and Incident
Management System, is an
online platform for the
reporting of safety and health
incidents on campus and the
subsequent management of
investigation reports and
follow up actions.
The AIMS module in EHS 360 is
an integrated system that
allows for:
Incidents, near-misses and
unsafe acts/conditions to be
reported centrally in the
Management of investigations
and follow-up by respective
Tracking of corrective and
preventive actions
Monitoring of statistics and
trends for identification of
possible intervention and
prevention programmes
All safety & health
related accidents/incidents
(within and outside campus)
are required to be reported
centrally to ORMC.
To report an incident,
select 'Launch AIMS' below.
Near misses and safety
concerns (unsafe conditions
or unsafe acts) should also
be reported to ORMC.
A risk incident is any
unplanned specific event (or
set of circumstances) which
has occurred and:
a. has had, or could have
had (“near miss”), a
negative impact on NUS
on various fronts
(Financial, Human,
Reputational, Legal,
Business, etc.)
b. could pose a threat to
the University's mission
and/or negatively affect
NUS’ chance of meeting
its intended goals
Non-exhaustive examples of
risk events include academic
misconduct, substance abuse,
athletic misconduct, public
relations incidents,
contractual disputes,
corporate payment
scams/fraud, vendors
fraudulently paid, loss of
key personal, key
infrastructure failure,
intellectual property theft,
lawsuits, food poisoning,
vandalism, non-compliance
with NUS policies, etc. You
may refer
for more details.
The reporting person can be
any person in the
University, and need not be
the Principal Investigator,
Manager or Head of
All accidents/incidents,
except fatalities, must be
reported to ORMC within 24
hours. Risk incidents must
be reported immediately upon
becoming aware of it. For
any cases involving
fatality, please call Campus
Emergency and Security at
6874 1616 immediately.
Workplace Safety & Health
(Incident Reporting)
Amendment Regulations 2020
requires work-related
accidents involving
employees who are granted
any amount of medical leave
or light duties to be
reported to MOM. Please
notify ORMC on any update to
the medical leave given for
the incident reported via
with the following details:
a. Incident Reference
b. No. of medical leave
given at 1st
c. Total medical leave
given to date
All reporting to regulators
on safety & health incidents
will be carried out by ORMC.
For matters related to
medical claims, please refer
to the medical claims
section below.
Medical Claims
For claim matters and questions
on claims, please refer to the
following procedures and contact
the respective NUS
Need help? Kindly refer to
frequently asked questions
If you encounter any technical
issues or require assistance,
please contact
. We will try our best to
respond to you as soon as