Leading in Sustainability and Climate Change: Lessons from the Little Green Dot

School of Continuing and Lifelong Education (SCALE)

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At the end of the programme, participants will: - Understand what drives climate change, the policies and responses to the problem, and how to make better decisions when navigating the political and business environment to achieve sustainability goals - Acquire tools to navigate the business, regulatory and technical aspects, and spot growth opportunities in sustainable practices- Participate in discussions on sustainability issues with NUS thought leaders and with peers from the public and private sector

Who Should Attend

  • C-suites• Directors• Leaders of sustainability-related teams in their organisations• Heads of NGOs working on sustainability/climate change-related topics

Entry Requirements

Participants need to be proficient in English and are current senior leaders of businesses, NGOs or public agencies.

Class Schedule

Lesson Delivery

a) Facilitated learning: 28.5 hours b) Evening plenary: 9 hours c) E-learning: Not Applicable d) Course Assessment (e.g. project presentation, case study analysis presentation): 1.5 hours

Full Fees (before GST)


Nett Fees payable after SSG Funding


** Please note that the mode of delivery is subject to change in light of the COVID-19 situation. Courses marked ‘online’ may have compulsory face-to-face sessions such as laboratory or hands-on components and details should be sought from the schools or departments before learners register for them.

Upcoming Course Dates

Delivery Mode**

Course Code

Funding Type
SSG Funding
Eligible for SkillsFuture Credit (SFC)
Alumni eVoucher (L3)

Short Course

Stacks/ Bundles to


Area of Interest
Urban Solutions & Sustainability
Business & Management
Leadership & Management