Maternal and Infant Health Across Perinatal Period (Synchronous & Asynchronous)


Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine

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Learners will be able to:1. illustrate the purpose, rationale, activities, and performance measures for promoting care to pregnant women, new mothers, and their new-borns.2. understand importance of incorporating family-centred care in enhancing overall well-being of pregnant couples, new mothers, and the infants across the perinatal period; 3. identify factors to promote breast-feeding.4. practice and promote family-centered care to support new parents in the community settings;5. provide breast-feeding support and education to new mothers.6. advocate health and well-being of pregnant women, new mothers and their new-borns across the perinatal period; and7. adopt culturally appropriate care for maternal and infant health.

Who Should Attend

Registered Nurses, Allied health, Social and Education professionals

Entry Requirements

A Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent in a related discipline.

Class Schedule

Lesson Delivery

Synchronous e-Learning 18 hours Asynchronous e-Learning 1.5 hours

Full Fees (before GST)


Nett Fees payable after SSG Funding

International Participant Singapore Citizen 39 years old or younger Singapore Citizen 40 years or older eligible for MCES Singaporean PRs Enhanced Training Support for SMEs
Full Programme Fee S$2700.00 S$2700.00 S$2700.00 S$2700.00 S$2700.00
SSG Funding *
Eligible for Claim Period 1 Oct 2024 to 30 Sep 2027
- S$1890.00 S$1890.00 S$1890.00 S$1890.00
Nett Programme Fee S$2700.00 S$810.00 S$810.00 S$810.00 S$810.00
9% GST on Nett Programme Fee S$243.00 S$72.90 S$72.90 S$72.90 S$72.90
Total Nett Programme Fee Payable, Incl. GST S$2943.00 S$882.90 S$882.90 S$882.90 S$882.90
Less Additional Funding if Eligible Under Various Scheme - - S$540.00 - S$540.00
Total Nett Programme Fee, Incl. GST, after additional funding from the various funding schemes S$2943.00 S$882.90 S$342.90 S$882.90 S$342.90
*   Learners must pass all assessment components to be eligible for SSG funding. Please note that all external funding for courses is limited in duration and subject to availability.

** Please note that the mode of delivery is subject to change in light of the COVID-19 situation. Courses marked ‘online’ may have compulsory face-to-face sessions such as laboratory or hands-on components and details should be sought from the schools or departments before learners register for them.

Last updated: 03 March 2025

Upcoming Course Dates

Delivery Mode**

Course Code

Funding Type
SSG Funding
Eligible for SkillsFuture Credit (SFC)
Alumni eVoucher (L3)

Modular Course

Stacks/ Bundles to
Graduate Certificate in Child and Family Health in the Community


Area of Interest
Healthcare & Medicine