Chinese 1

Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences (FASS)

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This is a beginners' module consisting three main components: conversation, grammar and Chinese characters learning. Vocabulary items, sentence patterns and short texts will be taught. Students will acquire basic communicative skills to deal with simple daily situations after reading this module. Approximately 180 Chinese characters and 150 phrases will be introduced.

Who Should Attend

This is a beginner's course which looks into equipping learners with the Chinese linguistic and intercultural competency.  Students are expected to be able to communicate both in conversational and written Mandarin in simple daily situations and in a culturally appropriate manner after taking this module.

Entry Requirements

This module is meant for students with no prior knowledge of the target language. Students with prior knowledge (including spoken proficiency) must contact CLS to take a placement test. Applicants please download the declaration form at and submit with application

Class Schedule

Tuesday and Thursday (08.00.00 AM - 10.00.00 AM)

Tutorial Schedule

Same day as lecture

Lesson Delivery

a) Lecture - 4 hours b) Project - 2 hours c) Preparation - 4 hours

Full Fees (before GST)


Nett Fees payable after SSG Funding


** Please note that the mode of delivery is subject to change in light of the COVID-19 situation. Courses marked ‘online’ may have compulsory face-to-face sessions such as laboratory or hands-on components and details should be sought from the schools or departments before learners register for them.

Last updated: 23 September 2024

Upcoming Course Dates

Delivery Mode**

Course Code

Funding Type
SSG Funding
Eligible for SkillsFuture Credit (SFC)
Alumni eVoucher (L3)

Modular Course

Stacks/ Bundles to
Specialist Certificate in Language Studies


Area of Interest