Python for Business Analytics


NUS Business School

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Data Science involves both a theoretical foundation of Statistics and Machine Learning and practical capabilities of implementation via programming. This module aims at equipping prospective data scientists with necessary programming skills in Python.The module starts with some Python programming fundamentals. It then walks through the following topics: (1) acquiring data, including loading data from local sources such as databases and scraping data from the web; (2) cleaning data; (3) organizing data; (4) summarizing data; (5) visualizing data - and; (6) generating data by Monte-Carlo simulation. This completes the whole cycle of pre-analysis data processing.

Who Should Attend

Data Scientists

Entry Requirements

Polytechnic Diploma Holder or Basic Degree Holder.

Class Schedule

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Tutorial Schedule

Same Day as Lecture

Lesson Delivery

a) Facilitated Learning - 16 hrs; b) Project - 6 hrs; c) Assessment - 2 hrs.

Full Fees (before GST)


Nett Fees payable after SSG Funding

International Participant Singapore Citizen 39 years old or younger Singapore Citizen 40 years or older eligible for MCES Singaporean PRs Enhanced Training Support for SMEs
Full Programme Fee S$3000.00 S$3000.00 S$3000.00 S$3000.00 S$3000.00
SSG Funding *
Eligible for Claim Period 1 Jul 2021 to 30 Sep 2024
- S$2100.00 S$2100.00 S$2100.00 S$2100.00
Nett Programme Fee S$3000.00 S$900.00 S$900.00 S$900.00 S$900.00
9% GST on Nett Programme Fee S$270.00 S$81.00 S$81.00 S$81.00 S$81.00
Total Nett Programme Fee Payable, Incl. GST S$3270.00 S$981.00 S$981.00 S$981.00 S$981.00
Less Additional Funding if Eligible Under Various Scheme - - S$600.00 - S$600.00
Total Nett Programme Fee, Incl. GST, after additional funding from the various funding schemes S$3270.00 S$981.00 S$381.00 S$981.00 S$381.00
*   Learners must pass all assessment components to be eligible for SSG funding. Please note that all external funding for courses is limited in duration and subject to availability.

** Please note that the mode of delivery is subject to change in light of the COVID-19 situation. Courses marked ‘online’ may have compulsory face-to-face sessions such as laboratory or hands-on components and details should be sought from the schools or departments before learners register for them.

Upcoming Course Dates

Delivery Mode**

Course Code

Funding Type
SSG Funding
Eligible for SkillsFuture Credit (SFC)
Alumni eVoucher (L3)

Short Course

Stacks/ Bundles to


Area of Interest
Data Analytics